Monday, July 04, 2011

Where in the USA. . .? (part two)

After touring through western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Dan and Helen arrived in Akron to stay with Georgine and Bob Finlay for the night. As usual, we received the red carpet treatment from the Finlays. Helen enjoyed showing Dan all around Bath Township including their home on Bonnebrook Lane (pictured above).
Georgine and Bob drove us through Holmes County which has a large Amish population. We went shopping at Lehman's Hardware store in Kidron which has just about everything you would ever need. Pictured here are the four of us enjoying a delicious chicken dinner at Der Dutchman restaurant in Walnut Creek.
It's always interesting to see the contrast between the Amish carriages and the modern cars. We were able to view a livestock auction in the Amish community.

And of course we drove down Market St. to view the old Goodyear facility. Goodyear has broken ground on their new corporate headquarters just a short distance away from this point. Thank so much to Georgine and Bob for showing us a marvelous time in Akron.

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