Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Best in Argentina

We went to church with Evan's ward in San Pedro this past Sunday. It was a lot of fun to see the people that helped him with being a missionary in this wonderful town.
Gavin had such a good time with the Maru children. Here they are together right after Sacrament meeting. Gavin will miss his new friends along the rest of the trip.
The ward building in San Pedro.
The usual "jump" picture right outside the city limits of San Pedro.
We stopped at a truckstop along the way up to Iguacu Falls so Gavin could play. Gavin will have to gain a bit more weight for this teeter totter.
We decided that we all needed a new country so we decided to drive through Uruguay on the way to Iguacu Falls (which is about a 15 hour drive from Buenos Aires).
We ran into a huge rainstorm while driving up to the falls and since it was late at night, pouring rain, and we were on a two-lane road with lots of semi trucks bearing down on us, we stopped for the night in Mocoreta. Here was the "hotel" we stayed at. . .it was the only game in town so we didn't have much of a choice.
This was the inside of the rooms. . .definitely not a highlight along the route. But we could all laugh about it afterwards (and hope that we didin't pick up any critters to bring home with us).
We took a detour for Gavin's potty stop into a mate' plantation and saw this capybara walking across the field. Gavin wanted to bring one home as a pet.
The trip was totally worth it when we got to our rooms. This is our view of Iguacu Falls from our hotel at the Sheraton - thanks to Ian for that surprise!
The inside of this room is slightly different than our "hotel" in Mocoreta. We loved sitting out on the balcony and just listening to the thunder of the falls.
Brad and Evan out on our balcony.
We celebrated Evan's birthday with dinner at an Argentine restaurant called "a Piacere" in Puerto Iguacu - great Argentine beef.
Breakfast the next morning was very pretty overlooking the falls.
All of the day was spent walking amongst the falls on the Argentine side. Gavin and Evan are shown here at Devil's Throat, where the drop is 270 feet.
More of Devil's throat.
The coatimundis are so cute. . .they will approach people and are very accustomed to humans.
Evan and Gavin at the falls on the Upper Circuit.
Of course Gavin wanted to bring a coati home for Ellie.
We walked down the catwalks so that we could take the jet boat up under the falls. Really amazing view from under the falls.
Here we are getting ready to go up under the falls.
We're in the boats and getting ready to get really wet.
We all got soaked we got so close to the falls.
Right under some of the falls. The falls stretch for a mile or so along the Argentine side of the river.
Here we all are after our jet boat trip up the river.

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

You've gotta love South America!! Welcome Home Evan!!