Sunday, March 13, 2011

James and Brad's Solvang Century

We got up at 3:45 a.m. on Saturday morning to drive all the way to Solvang. James and Ster drove down from Morro Bay. James and Brad started the 100 mile ride at about 7:20 a.m. There were 5000 participants in the ride and it was a perfect day for a ride - cool temperatures and beautiful blue skies.
See if you can spot Brad and James. . .Brad is on a 34-year old Motobecane bicycle and James is riding his new two-wheeled "car".
Ster and Margaret took Ellie and Gavin to many fun places. First stop was the red school house in Ballard, which is well over 100 years old and is still used as an elementary school. Ellie found the old rope swing to play on while Ethan played with the old tire.
Megster went running for a bit and encountered a miniature donkey ranch. We drove to it and found that there was much more than just miniature donkeys. The kids enjoyed petting "Suey" the pot bellied pig. Linda, the owner, said that she started out as a breeder of miniature donkeys but has since become a rescue location for goats, pigs, alpacas, etc.
The kids liked seeing Tom, the turkey. If you whistled at him he would answer with a very loud "gobble, gobble, gobble". The goat was named "Buddy" and he loved to be petted and snuggled with.
Ellie loved riding on the miniature donkey named Alex.
Ethan wasn't quite sure that he wanted to ride at all. He preferred petting the donkeys.
This little miniature donkey was born about a week ago. He was very fuzzy to touch.
The owner, Linda, had a zonkey (cross between a zebra and a donkey) for the kids to see. He was much bigger than the miniature donkeys and was quite interested in seeing Ellie.
For lunch, we went to Nojoqui Park, near Solvang. Finally, Ethan found something that he liked to ride on.
Here we are on our hike up to see the waterfalls.
Megster and Ellie check out the Nojoqui Falls while Ethan was more interested in the trash can at the falls. He has a big future in waste management.
After our picnic lunch at the park, the kids fell asleep in the car and we drove to mile 88 on the Solvang Century ride and took a picture of Brad and James as they rode by. We didn't tell them at this point they had two more major hills to climb before they rode into Solvang and finished the ride.
Congratulations James and Brad for checking off another item on your "bucket list". They finished the ride in about 8 1/2 hours. Maybe next year some of us can do the metric century, while James and Brad do the 100 mile century again.


Annie said...

Congratulations on finishing the race! Wish we could have been there to cheer you on.

grannybabs said...

Well, I'm impressed!