Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Birthday Month

A lot of birthdays this month in our family. . .Brad, Megan, Brad's Mom and James. We started with celebrating Meg's birthday at my Mom's house, then in the above picture showing Brad with Gavin and Ellie at Disneyland on his birthday.
We went to the Rainforest Cafe and got birthday Volcano desserts for Brad and Meg. . .all of the kids helped to blow out the candles.
Then it was Happy Hour out on the deck for James' birthday.
Ellie and James were helpful in taking the candles out of James' toll house pie that Meg made for his birthday.
Brad's birthday dinner was another fun time to get together with everybody. . .Alana even was able to fly home this weekend to help celebrate.
The kids watched a video and had M's (as the kids call them) while the adults finished dinner without spilled milk and food flying on the floor.
Thank goodness for Ellie and Gavin helping to blow the candles out on Brad's birthday torte. It's a great month for birthdays!

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

We have no March birthdays in our family - guess you used them all up!