Saturday, November 13, 2010


We continued to work on the condo while we were in Hawaii. Other than watching the surfers on Sunset Beach for an hour one morning, we never made it to the beach again. On one of the trips into Honolulu to get some furniture, we stopped to take a picture of beautiful Waimea Bay.
Mom and Dad have found a new way to bicycle on E-bikes. These are regular bicycles that have a battery pack on the back that gives an assist when pedaling up a hill. They were great!!
We always enjoy a stop at Matsumoto's Shaved Ice. . .our favorite on the North Shore.
I made sure that I had plenty of pictures, with this one taken from the condo lanai, to post on the new website advertising the condo for rent.
We worked on getting some new furniture and rearranging the upstairs bedroom. The new bathroom will be put in around the first of the year.

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