Monday, November 22, 2010

Friends, Family, Food and Fun

With both sets of parents here for dinner, we had a feast of steak and lobster tonight. What a blessing for all of us to be able to share good times together. My parents and Brad's parents have been close friends for about 35 years so it is always fun when we get together.
Ethan and Coco at least enjoyed having the steak. . .they weren't quite into the lobster yet.
After this very filling dinner, we all had Family Home Evening together and learned about Cooperation vs. Contention. Ellie and Gavin were especially helpful with the lesson.
James and Gavin are displaying some of the lobster tails that were the deal of the year at approximately a penny a pound - and there is quite a story behind that price.
Now that's a dinner fit for a king!

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