Sunday, December 07, 2008

Live From New York. . . . .

It's Saturday Night Live!! On Saturday, Jeannie and three of her friends from the Academy took the train to New York City to be in the audience for Saturday Night Live. The host that evening was John Malkovich and the kids agreed that it was a very funny performance. Saturday Night Live has been on the air since 1975. The kids also stopped by Rockefeller Plaza to see the ginormous Christmas tree, towering 72 ft. high. As they returned to the Academy early Sunday morning, it started to snow on I-95. Looks like Jeannie will get her first opportunity to drive in snowy weather this winter!

1 comment:

Margaret Finlay said...

It looks like it was a good trip, Jeannie. . .but I don't see any snow back there. Can't wait to see you at Christmas.