Sunday, December 21, 2008

California Hall of Fame

Last Monday, 12 Californians were inducted in the CA Hall of Fame, an annual ceremony honoring individuals for their contributions to California and the world at large. This event is held every year at the California Museum for History, Women and the Arts, in downtown Sacramento with the Governor and First Lady hosting. Those individuals inducted were: Dave Brubeck, Jane Fonda, Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel, Robert Graham, Quincy Jones, Jack LaLanne, Dorothea Lange, Julia Morgan, Jack Nicholson, Linus Pauling, Leland Stanford and Alice Waters. There is an exhibit about the inductees with artifacts from their lives. Some of the highlights of this years inductees are Leland Stanford's carriage, in addition to the actually golden spike; Julia Morgan's drafting table, a reading room devoted to Dr. Seuss and Jack LaLanne's Glamour-Stretcher. Helen, Allison and Dan were very fortunate to be able to volunteer at the event with Erin.

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