Sunday, September 02, 2012

First Day of School and the Boat Trip

 Gavin and Ellie started school this year. . .and they were so excited to go!
 Coco and Ethan wanted to go to kindergarten also but then figured out that they really wanted to stay in preschool with their great teacher.
 We all went on the annual boat tour this year for the Sanitation Districts. . .one of the marine animals that was pulled up in the net was a small octopus.
 Jeannie got to help steer the boat into San Pedro harbor.  Good thing she has plenty of Coast Guard expertise.
 It was a great day for the boat tour.
 Then it was off to the beach for some boogey boarding. . .Ethan loved it.
 Coco liked the beach too.
Then the next day we all celebrated Megster's birthday, about 3 weeks late.  But strawberry cheesecake is always a terrific birthday cake.

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