Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Day at the Getty Villa

Our "4 G" (4 generations) field trip this week was to the Getty Villa in Malibu. The kids got to run around and the adults were able to see some of the beautiful gardens at this re-created Italian villa.
It was a lovely day for a picnic and we sat on the veranda and overlooked the Getty forum where plays are produced.
Ethan and Coco loved playing on the steps by the fountain.
Another fun activity for the kids was following the path that wound around all of the different gardens.
This was a favorite place at the Getty. We had a hard time keeping the kids, especially Ethan, from jumping in the pool.
It was such a clear day. In the background the Pacific Ocean is visible. Gavin had a great time driving to the Getty with Grandma and Grandpa. He is even helping Grandpa with his hiking stick.

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

I am a native Californian who has never been to the Getty - either one!! I need to rectify this state of affairs!