Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Love a Parade

The annual Route 66 Parade here in Duarte is always a lot of fun. This year, with my being Mayor, I decided to try out a T3 scooter, owned by the Sheriff's Department, in the parade. It was a lot of fun to zoom around on and I felt like I got to see more of the people. James and Gavin are shown here on Route 66 before the parade began.
The Grand Marshall this year was a young man, 14, named Jordan Romero (center). He is the youngest person to ever climb Mt. Everest. He did that with his family this past year. He has summited all of the highest peaks on each continent except Antarctica and will be attempting to summit that mountain, Vinson Massif, this coming January.
Ellie and Margaret rode the T3 also on the parade route.
Here was the car that Brad, Ellie, Gavin and Margaret (part of the time) rode in for the parade. It was a 51 Chevy convertible.
I took this picture from the T3 scooter. The kids liked riding in the parade and seemed to enjoy waving at all of the people. The next day after the parade, Gavin wanted to know if they could ride in a parade that day too. Have to wait till next year, Gavin.

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