Friday, August 28, 2009

Hurricanes, "Hullas" and Hoses

Helen, Evan and I went to see Jeannie in Norfolk and we were fortunate enough to go out on the Coast Guard Cutter, Forward. We went for a cruise in Chesapeake Bay where the Coast Guard did a rescue with one of their Jayhawk helicopters. Very impressive hullah!
Evan decided to try the fire hose off the back deck. The pressure from the hose was so great that it took two of them to handle it.
The four of us had a great day on board the ship. We ran into a little bit of rain that was part of Hurricane Danny, that never fully materialized.
As we pulled into the dock in Portsmouth, they docked the boat right behind Jeannie's cutter, Harriet Lane. It was a great experience and one that we won't soon forget.

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