Monday, May 18, 2009

Seeing America, the Beautiful, by Train

Our train trip from Portland, Oregon to Chicago, Illinois was a great adventure. The 6 of us, Ed and Helen Ferguson, Helen Crump and Evan, Alana and Margaret, had a fantastic 48 hours on the sleeper train going to James' graduation from veterinary school in Michigan. We started by flying to Portland and catching the Empire Builder train that left about 4 p.m. The first part of the trip was incredibly beautiful, traveling through the Columbia River Gorge. The first picture is with all of us in the observation car having a snack.
The meals were all served in the Dining Car and the food was delicious. We had steak, french toast, Angus burgers, omelets, etc. And the desserts were even better!
We traveled through Glacier National Park and saw the glaciers up on the mountains. When we rode along the prairies of North Dakota, I thought the scenery would be pretty dull but I loved the rolling hills of green and the antelope herds running through the grasslands when the train went rolling by.
We were able to get out in some of the smaller towns for about 20 minutes. . .just long enough to stretch our legs. Here we are in front of an old steam locomotive display in the town of Havre, North Dakota.
It was an amazing trip and made all of us want to take other train trips to really embrace our great country. We fly over it all the time but never really get to know most parts of it.

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

I have wanted to take a long train trip - did you go in a sleeper?

Did you give "a little silver quarter" to the "pullman porter??""

I'm feeling retro!!