Saturday, January 17, 2009

Right on the Button

Alana and I had the unique opportunity to go curling yesterday with some friends. It was an awesome two-hour session during which we learned about the sport, took a lesson and got to play a game. Some of the terminology that we loved was "button", "hack", "burn the stone", and, our personal favorite, "hog". Most people don't own their own set of stones, as a set from Scotland (from which the granite and sport originate) costs about $17,000.

This is a picture of Alana and I "sweeping" a stone down to the other end. The friction that is created from "sweeping" and the resulting thin layer of water can help a stone travel an additional 15-18 feet.

Above is Nathan Beck and Ian each "throwing a stone". We thought the idea sounded a lot like "passing a stone", but proved to be much more fun.

Just in case you were all wondering, the US Olympic Trials for curling will be held in Denver, Colorado on February 21-28...See you there! Oh yeah, the title of this post refers to the small, inner circle where a thrower tries to land a stone.

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