Sunday, November 09, 2008

Ian and Roxy Came to Town

This last weekend Evan and I were were lucky enough to have a visit from Ian and Roxy, my good friend that I met while we were both doing our internships in Brussels (she is from Logan, Utah). We had a weekend packed with good times, tons of laughs, and good memories.

We went to the Mount Timpanogas Temple on Saturday morning. Hillary Miller (a good friend from Southern California) joined us that early morning.

On Friday night we went to Cafe Rio and then played a really fun game - Loaded Questions. It was Roxy's first time at Cafe Rio - I think we converted her. Ian's friend Amy Stringer came with us and was the one who introduced us to the game.

Roxy brought her violin and she and Hillary played for us. We all really enjoyed the beautiful music.

Here is a picture of the three girls on the balcony at the Townhouse. It was a beautiful day - perfect for the BYU football game. We are excited for when Ian and Roxy can visit again!

1 comment:

Roxy said...

Thanks again for such a fun weekend!